HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen
HuaChen Canvas Leather Backpack - Military Tactical Rucksack - HuaChen

HuaChen Canvas Leda Tornistro - Milita Taktika Tornistro

$59.98 USD

koloro: Army Green

Army Green

grandeco: Granda


stilo: Tornistroj Tornistroj

Tornistroj Tornistroj
Tornistro Tornistro

Payment Method

HuaChen® Leda Vaksita Kanvasa Tornistro

Pri HuaChen:
-HuaChen estas specialigita en kreado de diversaj sakoj por kontentigi ĉiujn bezonojn de klientoj;
-La produktoj inkluzivas komputilajn sakojn, vojaĝan sakon, migran dorsosakon, taktikan dorsosakon, eksteran saketon, mansakon, tote, monujon, necesejsakon ktp.
-Niaj sakoj estas ĝisdatigitaj rapide por konservi la tutmondan modon. Ankaŭ ni disvolvas niajn sakojn studante la sugestajn datumojn, kiujn ni ricevas de niaj klientoj.
-Ni fidas, ke ni povas esti via plej bona partnero kaj doni nian plej bonan servon por vi! Dankon!

Produktaj Trajtoj:
Ekologia kaj akvorezista Kanvasa Ŝtofo.
Grandeco: (L) 13" x (H) 7,8" x 17,3" (H), taŭgas por 14/15 coloj plej ĝis 17" tekkomputiloj.
Okazo: povas esti uzata kiel tekkomputila dorsosako, komerca dorsosako, bicikla dorsosako, tablojda dorsosako, universitata dorsosako, librosako, dorsosako, vojaĝ-sako, migra sako, hazarda tagsako, gamo-sako, ĉasa dorsosako, postviva dorsosako, armea dorsosako, migra dorsosako aŭ tago. pako por ĉiutaga uzo.

1 * Ĉefa kupeo kun remburita ŝokrezista 15.6-cola tekkomputila fendo, povas teni ligilojn, librojn kaj aliajn grandajn objektojn.
1 * Remburita antaŭa poŝo por iPad aŭ aliaj porteblaj necesaĵoj.

1. Bonvolu konfirmi la grandecon de sako laŭ nia priskribo anstataŭ fotoj;
2. Pro malsama mezurado, ĝi povas ekzisti 1-2CM-eraro.

Pako Inkluzivanta:
1 * Tornistro.

Pliaj Informoj

Army Green, Griza, Nigra, Kaki




Tornistroj Tornistroj, Tornistro Tornistro


Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Very Impressed

I only bought this to fill with random things, and keep in the back seat of my truck. I did not expect much for the price, but I was very pleasantly surprised. This is actually very well made with actual durable materials. I can't speak on the stitching as I haven't used it yet, but it seems just as good as anything else. There are compartments on the inside, as you'd expect. My only criticism is that I thought it would be a little smaller than it is. It's actually a standard full sized backpack, like the same size you'd take to school as a kid. Again, I'm very impressed for the price. Looks super cool, too!

Alexis Wamble
My husband loves it!

I bought this for my husband because he needed a new backpack for work. He loves it!

The canvas bag you Want!

You need this and you want this! Get it does electronics really well. Feels fantastic. I don't notice it much in the hikes and has everything I need if I need to boogy on out. 10/10 ftw!

Kindle Customer

Best adventure rucksack ever!

jeffery landry
made a good traveling bag

Use this bag while traveling across the world on foreign aventures found it to be I do you "traveling

A perfect Huge backpack for all outdoorsy men

This fashionable leather backpack is made of genuine leather with high-quality magnetic buckle straps.There is a spacious zipper compartment that is big enough to fit a laptop and books. It also features a zipper pocket on the outside to store keys,wallet,or cell phone.The side compartments can easily accommodate your water bottle or umbrella.This durable,spacious backpack is the right companion for your next trip. It has plenty of compartments to store your belongings, and the durable exterior will keep your things safe and secure.

Big Backpack for the adventure of a lifetime

  • An internal padded sleeve protects your laptop form scratches.
  • Sleek and streamlined design,making it look rugged and professional.
  • The best travel backpack,comfortable to carry.
  • Slim profile,rust-resistant leather backpack.
  • Perfect fit for a daily commute.

Genuine leather wax canvas backpack

This backpack is made of 100% genuine leather and has a wax canvas,available in multiple colors. It comes with an adjustable padded shoulder strap and a drawstring closure for your convenience while traveling.

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Very Impressed

I only bought this to fill with random things, and keep in the back seat of my truck. I did not expect much for the price, but I was very pleasantly surprised. This is actually very well made with actual durable materials. I can't speak on the stitching as I haven't used it yet, but it seems just as good as anything else. There are compartments on the inside, as you'd expect. My only criticism is that I thought it would be a little smaller than it is. It's actually a standard full sized backpack, like the same size you'd take to school as a kid. Again, I'm very impressed for the price. Looks super cool, too!

Alexis Wamble
My husband loves it!

I bought this for my husband because he needed a new backpack for work. He loves it!

The canvas bag you Want!

You need this and you want this! Get it does electronics really well. Feels fantastic. I don't notice it much in the hikes and has everything I need if I need to boogy on out. 10/10 ftw!

Kindle Customer

Best adventure rucksack ever!

jeffery landry
made a good traveling bag

Use this bag while traveling across the world on foreign aventures found it to be I do you "traveling