HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen
HuaChen Vintage Canvas Backpack for Laptop Hiking - HuaChen

HuaChen Vintage Canvas Tornistro por Tekkomputila Migrado

$35.98 USD

koloro: Griza


grandeco: Meza


stilo: Tornistroj Tornistroj

Tornistroj Tornistroj

Payment Method

HuaChen® Vintage Canvas Tornistro por Viroj kaj Virinoj armeverda

Pri HuaChen:
-HuaChen estas specialigita en kreado de diversaj sakoj por kontentigi ĉiujn bezonojn de klientoj;
-La produktoj inkluzivas tekkomputilan tornistron, komputilajn sakojn, vojaĝan dorsosakon, subĉielan saketon, kanvasan dorsosakon, bushcraft dorsosakon, mansakon, tote, bushcraft ilaro, monujo, dorsosako, neceseja sako ktp.
-Niaj sakoj estas ĝisdatigitaj rapide por konservi la tutmondan modon. Ankaŭ ni disvolvas niajn sakojn studante la sugestajn datumojn, kiujn ni ricevas de niaj klientoj.
-Ni fidas, ke ni povas esti via plej bona partnero kaj doni nian plej bonan servon por vi! Dankon!

Produktaj Trajtoj:
Fabrikita el Kanvaso;
Kun forpreneblaj kaj alĝustigeblaj ŝultrorimenoj por komforta portado.
Grandeco: (L) 11" x (H) 16.5" x (W) 6.3".
Scienca kaj racia poŝa tegaĵo igas viajn varojn sisteme kuŝi en la sako.

Kion vi povas meti en ĉi tiun Canvas Backpack? Vi povas meti:

- Revuo A4, IPAD, tekkomputilo, Libroj aŭ Vestaĵoj en la ĉefa sako;
- poŝtelefono, dokumento, monujo aŭ cigaredo en la sako

Kiel konservi la kanvasan sakon?
- Lavu ĝin per pura akvo en ordinara temperaturo.
- NE lavu ĝin per varma akvo kaj alkala lesivo.
- Pendu por sekiĝi kaj stoki en ventolita loko anstataŭ sunekspozicio.
- Lavu Aparte por eviti makulon..

1. Bonvolu konfirmi la grandecon de sako laŭ nia priskribo anstataŭ fotoj;
2. Pro malsama mezurado, ĝi povas ekzisti 1-2CM-eraro.

Pako Inkluzivanta:
1 x Tornistro

Pliaj Informoj

Griza, Kafo, Kaki, Verda, Nigra




Tornistroj Tornistroj


Customer Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
Built well and durable

I loved it and held everything I needed on the plane and then when I got to the Philippines, I reloaded it with other things kept it with me the whole time very comfortable to wear

Really good bag!

It's sturdy, comfortable, and looks great. Highly recommend if you want a vintage looking rucksack style bag. I travelled with it for a month and it held up really well.

Brian Titus


Amazon Customer

Good quality 👌

Nerdy Girl
Very nice except for weird zipper opening

I put this on my Amazon wish list a few months back and it was purchased for me as a Christmas gift. I wanted something big enough to carry my laptop on my iPad while I’m riding my bike. It’s good for that, and it fits very snugly and comfortably on my shoulders. The only thing I don’t like about it is this weird zipper opening. It doesn’t go all the way across and it really gets in the way when I’m trying to put my iPad in or out I don’t understand why is there - if it’s not gonna go all the way across you might as well not even have it. I will probably cut it off, which is a bummer because it’ll leave a jagged and ugly edge but I can’t tell you how much I hate this stupid zipper. I almost made this a three star review, but I’d like everything else about the backpack, so I guess I’ll give it four stars.

A perfect Huge backpack for all outdoorsy men

This fashionable leather backpack is made of genuine leather with high-quality magnetic buckle straps.There is a spacious zipper compartment that is big enough to fit a laptop and books. It also features a zipper pocket on the outside to store keys,wallet,or cell phone.The side compartments can easily accommodate your water bottle or umbrella.This durable,spacious backpack is the right companion for your next trip. It has plenty of compartments to store your belongings, and the durable exterior will keep your things safe and secure.

Big Backpack for the adventure of a lifetime

  • An internal padded sleeve protects your laptop form scratches.
  • Sleek and streamlined design,making it look rugged and professional.
  • The best travel backpack,comfortable to carry.
  • Slim profile,rust-resistant leather backpack.
  • Perfect fit for a daily commute.

Genuine leather wax canvas backpack

This backpack is made of 100% genuine leather and has a wax canvas,available in multiple colors. It comes with an adjustable padded shoulder strap and a drawstring closure for your convenience while traveling.

Customer Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
Built well and durable

I loved it and held everything I needed on the plane and then when I got to the Philippines, I reloaded it with other things kept it with me the whole time very comfortable to wear

Really good bag!

It's sturdy, comfortable, and looks great. Highly recommend if you want a vintage looking rucksack style bag. I travelled with it for a month and it held up really well.

Brian Titus


Amazon Customer

Good quality 👌

Nerdy Girl
Very nice except for weird zipper opening

I put this on my Amazon wish list a few months back and it was purchased for me as a Christmas gift. I wanted something big enough to carry my laptop on my iPad while I’m riding my bike. It’s good for that, and it fits very snugly and comfortably on my shoulders. The only thing I don’t like about it is this weird zipper opening. It doesn’t go all the way across and it really gets in the way when I’m trying to put my iPad in or out I don’t understand why is there - if it’s not gonna go all the way across you might as well not even have it. I will probably cut it off, which is a bummer because it’ll leave a jagged and ugly edge but I can’t tell you how much I hate this stupid zipper. I almost made this a three star review, but I’d like everything else about the backpack, so I guess I’ll give it four stars.